
Please download the plugin to proceed futher.


Download WooCommerce Plugin V4.0

Download WooCommerce Plugin V5.0

Note: Before using WooCommerce Plugin V5.0 for direct Apple Pay, please ensure that domain vertification is done as per Direct Apple Pay Integration Guide


  1. Ensure you have latest version of WooCommerce plugin installed
    (Hesabe payment plugin verified until Wordpress version 6.5.3 and WooCommerce version 8.8.3)

  2. Unzip and upload Hesabe woocommerce plugin to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory


  3. Open wordpress admin panel Plugins->Add New Plugin->Upload plugin , select and upload hesabe plugin

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  1. Activate the plugin through the Plugins->Installed Plugins in admin panel.

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  1. To enable the Hesabe payment method

    a. Goto Woocommerce ->Settings ->Payment

    b. Enable Hesabe Online Payment

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    c. Enable Payment methods

    c1. Select "Direct Payment Method" to go to Payment Gateway Page

    c2. If "Direct Payment Method" ,Please select applicable Payment types (Knet, Visa/Master, Applepay etc).Please ensure that selected payment methods are activated in your Hesabe account.Please contact Support@hesabe.com to activate needed payment types.

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c3. If "Direct Payment Method" is not selected ie "Indirect Payment Method", User will be redirected to hesabe pay, where user will select payment type and proceed to payment.

d. Enable Demo mode if you are testing with test credentials and disable it while using production credentials.For test credentials please contact Support@hesabe.com ,for prduction credentials- please get it from merchant panel profile login with your credentials

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e. Enable Currency converter also if needed.But transaction currency will be KWD only.

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f. Save changes.

  1. This is how it'll look on your website.

    a. Direct Method

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b. Indirect Method

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