HESABE Python Payment Integration Kit

This Python script provides a demo for integrating the payment gateway into your application. It includes functions for encrypting and decrypting data, handling transaction responses, and managing credentials. Follow the instructions below to set up and use this kit effectively.

Download Python Kit

Download Python Kit


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

Required Libraries

Install the necessary encryption library for AES functions. To install the required library, run:

pip install pycryptodome

Setup Instructions

1. Obtain Live Credentials

To use this payment integration in a live environment, you need to obtain live credentials from our company, Hesabe. Please contact our support team to request these credentials.

2. Set Return URLs

You must configure the return URLs for both successful and failed transactions. These URLs will be used to redirect users after a transaction is processed. Set these URLs in your application’s homepage or backend configuration.

3. Handling Transaction Responses

The script will receive transaction responses in the form of encrypted data. You need to decrypt this data and handle it accordingly.

response_data = request.args.get('data')
if response_data:
    decrypted_data = HesabeCrypt.decrypt(response_data, HesabeConfig.MERCHANT_SECRET_KEY, HesabeConfig.MERCHANT_IV)
    response_json = json.loads(decrypted_data)
    # Process the response_json as needed