
You can integrate Hesabe Payment Gateway in your Odoo application by following the steps given below:

  1. Download plugin from here according to your odoo version :

    KNET v15
    Download Plugin

    Visa/Master v15
    Download Plugin

    KNET v16
    Download Plugin

    Visa/Master v16
    Download Plugin

Full Repo

  1. Upload it to the path odoo/addons folder of your Odoo application.
  2. Go to Apps → Search payment_hesabe module. → Click Install module Odoo 1
  3. Configure Hesabe key. Go to Website → Configuration → eCommerce → Payment Acquirers → Search Hesabe. Select the Hesabe payment method by clicking into the one card.Here is the screen after we clicking. Configure the credential information. Odoo 2
  4. Select the Hesabe payment method by clicking into the one card and you will see the following screen and select any of the cards. Odoo 3
  5. Configure the credential information which consists of Merchant Code, Access Code,Working Key, IV Key and API Version. Make sure you use correct credentials for Test and Production. Odoo 4
  6. You need to install at least one Chart of Account of your country. For Example: Go to Apps → Search l10n_ → Install chart of account of your country. Odoo 5